Monday, February 22, 2010

Personal Technology Project Proposal

I would like to explore more deeply the possibilities of a class wiki either on pbworks or through google. I watched a couple training videos on and it seems to me that this could be an excellent way to house research or personal writings. It also seems like a great place for students to benefit from each others writing instead of it being a solely teacher to student interaction.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Class Website

I am loving the idea of having a class website so that the parents of my students can be filled in on what is happening in my day to day routine.

Check it out!

Personal Learning Network

1.English Companion Ning. This is a discussion forum where fellow English teachers get together and talk about ideas that worked or didn't work for their classrooms.
2.National Council of Teachers of English. Keeping up to date with the NCTE unites teachers across the United States with good books, essays, etc.
3.Free Technology for teachers
4.NPR I have found that keeping up with this news station helps inspire many of my lesson plans. Just the other day I heard a story about three-word memoirs and I thought about how my students could write their own memoirs.
5. And of course, Teaching with Technology. A blog by a BYU professor who has lots of resources about teaching with technology